Ten Best Horror Comedies to Haunt You Over the Holidays

Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are absolutely hilarious in this film, which is heavy on the comedy. With a tip of the cap to Romero’s Monroeville Mall zombie opus right in the title, Shaun of the Dead launched a new era of horror-comedies, setting the stage for such enjoyable films as Fido, The Cottage and Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer.
From Shaun’s clueless walk through the streets to its utterly perfect ending, Shaun of the Dead is one of the greatest combinations of laughs and gore ever produced. Both the F/X and the comedy writing are top notch. A must see.
Return of the Living Dead (1984)
The incidents in and around the Uneeda Medical Supply Warehouse are some of the most memorable in horror. The fact that you watch this zombie invasion laughing your ass off through the entire thing does nothing to take away from the frights. This movie is funny. In fact it contains my all-time favorite zombie, the little person who wipes while pursuing some tasty brains (Howard Sherman’s Bub in Day of the Dead is a close second).
The comedy is driven by Thom Mathews and James Karen as the bumbling employees of the warehouse, and the cutting edge F/X drove the horror. Aside from the memorable midget zombie, we were also introduced to the talking zombie torso and the legendary Tarman. You haven’t lived until you’ve seen a dissected dog bark. And, as a teenage boy with raging hormones, I must admit my favorite movie quote had to be…“Hey, somebody get some light over here. Trash is taking off her clothes again.” Ah, Trash, your rebellious nature and willingness to strip naked at the drop of a hat made you irresistible!