Dread Central’s Top 10 Greatest Horrific Couples

Let the Right One In (Låt den rätte komma in) (2008)
Eli and Oskar
Perhaps on this entire list, no couple needed each other more than Eli and Oskar, each for their own personal reason, but a young love did blossom out of this situation. Both of them required protection from the outside world, a protection that the other was able to provide. This was an amazing tale that featured the duo’s budding young love set in the frigid backdrop of Sweden. The outlook for the union is shaky, at best, as Eli’s vampiric requirements will certainly run Oskar to exhaustion, as it apparently has to men in the past, but the origin of the relationship (which is what we are treated to in this film) is touching. Even knowing the cost, we humans just can’t leave those vampires alone.
Kisses all around! Happy Valentine’s Day, everybody!