Mike Sprague’s Top 10 Horror Movies of 2019

Let it be known, this list was compiled before I could see EVERYTHING this past year. So movies that may have made the list but I still haven’t had the chance to check out (gimme a break, I had a beautiful baby girl this September!) include Brightburn, Terminator: Dark Fate, Darlin’, Gwen, Wrinkles the Clown, Little Monsters, The Addams Family, Zombieland: Double Tap, The Lighthouse, Wounds, The Gallows Act II (haha), The Banana Splits Movie, Climax, Knives Out, Daniel Isn’t Real, and Blumhouse’s Black Christmas.
That spat, let get to it!

As with any top 10, the tenth entry is probably the biggest pain in the ass to decide on. So I’m going with The Perfection. The film hit Netflix earlier this year and is available to stream as we speak. I’m including this flick on my list because it gave me one hell of a reaction watching it. While in the end, it might be too clever for its own good, the movie sports some killer sequences including the part on the bus (you’ll see), the hand thing, and of course the final image. Intense.

Annabelle Comes Home ended up being a lot more fun than I expected. Especially considering that I wasn’t much of a fan of the previous two entries in the spin-off series. But lo and behold, longtime Conjuring Universe screenwriter Gary Dauberman makes for one hell of a director keeping his first feature film bathed in style and suspense. Oh, and did I mention fun?! Yes, Annabelle Comes Home is far and away the purest popcorn-fun film in The Conjuring Universe. Bring on Annabelle In Space!

While I kinda gave the film a little guff for being a lesser version of Adam Wingard’s You’re Next earlier this year, in the end, I enjoyed the hell out of Radio Silence’s hide-and-seek splatterfest Ready or Not. And a big part of that has to do with the utterly charming and lovable performance by Samara Weaving as the ever put upon heroine forced to murder and maim her way through her hell-ish wedding night. Oh, and the ending. Classic. Total classic.

While the movie is by no means perfect – and actually comes across as a Wal-Mart exclusive flick (if those exist) – Rambo: Last Blood is brutal and bloody as hell and that earned my respect. Rambo doesn’t just storm in and save the day this time around. Oh, no. This entry is all about Rambo losing (horrifically) time and time again. But we love him because that doesn’t stop him one little bit. Sure it doesn’t hold a candle to the previous entry but you’ve got to love Stallone for keeping the action coming at his age. Go Italian Stallion!

I once heard John Woo’s films referred to as a ballet of bullets. And if there ever was – literally – such a thing, it would be John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum. While I have a healthy respect for the previous two entries in the Keanu Reeves-sporting series, this third film took it all to a new level. If you didn’t know, I edit a series over on YouTube called The Kill Counter, and let me tell you, John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum kept me busy for days. And days. And days… I loved it!

Like most of the globe, I myself was swept up by writer-director Todd Phillips’ Joker starring Joaquin Phoenix. Sure I don’t think it’s the masterpiece others have made it out to be but I truly loved the film’s 70’s feel (even though it was set in the ’80s) and no one can deny the raw power contained in Phoenix’s performance. Part Taxi Driver and part The King of Comedy, Phillips’ Joker is an animal all of itself and worth celebrating in this time of superhero saturation. Can’t wait to see the sequel!

While I might get a fair share of flack for not only including M. Night Shyamalan’s Glass on my top 10 of the year – especially having it ranked so high – I stand by my claim earlier this year when I gave the film a 9/10 review, claiming I loved 90% of what the film threw my way. Yes, the ending is terrible. Our Unbreakable hero deserved better. But still, it was a joy 18 years in the making seeing Mr. Glass back on the big screen. Add in James McAvoy’s Beast from Split and Glass is so damn close to a great movie. Oh, well.

3. US
While I have my fair share of issues with the film’s final reel, overall Jordan Peele’s new nightmare US is a film we will be talking about for years. And even if we aren’t, there will still be Peele’s striking imagery to keep us coming back for more. Red jumpsuit. One leather glove. Golden scissors. And Hands Across America. The film is a visual masterpiece of unsettling yet somehow hip images. And let’s not forget Lupita Nyong’o’s perfect performance as Red. Holy sh*t.

This may be the single most controversial entry on my list. And I don’t care. Like Mr. Stephen King, I found Orion’s Child’s Play remake to be an utter delight. And 99% of that comes from Mark Hamill and a team of puppeteers/CGI artists’ work on new Chucky. No more serial killer souls here. Just a poor robot to young to know how to control in evil anger building inside of him. Tragic. Earlier this year, I called Child’s Play the most adorable horror movie of all time. And I stand by that claim. This is for Tupac. Now, please, Orion, give us a sequel!

I hate to say it but it seemed kind of pre-destined that Mike Flanagan’s adaptation of Stephen King’s Doctor Sleep would be my favorite film of the year. But, f*ck that. I also thought Rob Zombie’s 3 From Hell and Andy Muschietti’s IT: Chapter Two were going to be in a death battle for the number two spot. And THAT sure as sh*t didn’t happen. But anyhow, yes, Flanagan and King’s meditation on recovery and facing the demons of the past is not only the best horror movie of the year but the best film all around. Sorry, The Irishman.
What do you think of my list? Let us know below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
Honorable Mentions: Pet Sematary, Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile, Ma, Midsommar, Crawl, Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, Satanic Panic, and In the Tall Grass.
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