Friday the 13th: Top 13 WTF Moments

7. Mrs. Voorhees finds her head! (Friday the 13th part III)
The end of Friday the 13th part III mirrors the finish of the original movie. So the filmmakers saw fit to mimic the “Jason jump” that lifted audiences from their seats in the summer of 1980. But there was one problem: Jason was “dead” in the barn. That meant the final jump scare needed to fall to the other murderous member of the Voorhees clan:

Either way, she’s decidedly not rotting at the bottom of the Crystal Lake.
6. Vinnie & Pete, really? (Friday the 13th – A New Beginning)
This is something that seems stranger the older I get. Two greasers who look like they stumbled out of William Friedkin’s Cruising break down on a desolate country road in Crystal Lake while en route to rendezvous with some ladies. At least that’s what the movie tells us.
Where are they going dressed like that? Why does Pete think it’s a good idea to shit in the woods before meeting up for a date? And what’s Roy Burns doing out there with a road flare at the ready? There’s plenty of strange bits in Friday 5, but everything about this scene just seems odd-that’s exactly why I love it.
5. What in God’s name happened to these people? (Friday the 13th part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan)
The Lazarus departs for New York City early in Jason Takes Manhattan, revealing several shots of non-principal cast members lounging around and enjoying the luxuries of this ocean liner.

Of course, it also cements Jason’s status as the ultimate slasher. How many others could torpedo a cruise ship? Badass.