Friday the 13th: 13 Questionable Citizens of Crystal Lake

7. Victor Faden (Friday the 13th – A New Beginning)
I didn’t have to hear Vic speak to know he was off his fucking rocker. I’m not a psychiatrist so I have to assume that Pinehurst’s administrator, Matt Leonard, knew something I didn’t. But look at this guy:

Vic was a violent psychopath, but I wonder what happened to him after Sheriff Tucker carted him away from Pinehurst. And wouldn’t it have been interesting to watch him take on pseudo-Jason toe-to-toe? It’s odd that Friday 5’s most irredeemable character is one of the few to survive. Just another reason to adore this wacky movie.
6. Mayor Cobb (Friday the 13th – A New Beginning)
One look at this guy and it becomes clear why Crystal Lake is always dogged by lackluster law enforcement. Mayor Cobb doesn’t seem all that concerned for the well being of his township so much as he wants to preserve its safe reputation. He’s definitely not interested in challenging matters–like truth.
When Sheriff Tucker suggests that Jason Voorhees may be behind these killings (he was close enough), Mayor Cobb dismissively tells him he’s been out in the sun too long. He then proceeds to empty Tucker’s ashtray as a way of implying that Jason is toast, barking at him instead to deliver a ”liveeeee” suspect.

5. Hippie Hitchhiker (Friday the 13th – The Final Chapter)
At this point it’s fair to wonder exactly what kind of Hellmouth sits beneath Crystal Lake. It draws weirdos to the spot like vampires to Sunnydale, and this lady ranks among the strangest. Where is this hippie going? Upstate Vermont, I guess? And what’s with the “Fuck You!” on the back of her sign? Maybe she just got sick of all the smart ass responses and decided to get defensive.
