Horror’s Top 10 Most Frightening Women

Zelda Goldman (Andrew Hubatsek in Pet Sematary)
Even though she was played by a fella, there is absolutely no way this list goes together without the nightmare that was the spinal meningitis-stricken Zelda from the brutal memories of Rachel Creed in Pet Sematary. She only had about a minute or so of screen time, but it was enough to find her a spot in the dark recesses of our minds for a lifetime. The writhing on the bed in her death throes was bad enough, but when she returned as Rachel’s hallucination, rushed the camera and broke into a maniacal laugh while repeatedly screaming “Never get out of bed again!” at the top of her lungs, it was a little more than we could handle. Zelda broke us.
She (Charlotte Gainsbourg in Antichrist)
The unnamed She from Lars von Trier’s arthouse film Antichrist crumbled into insanity following the death of her son when she failed to follow one simple rule of parenting…If you’re going to be doing the horizontal mambo with Willem Dafoe constantly, make sure you lock all the second-story windows, or Junior might just take a tumble. Well, take a tumble he did, and so does her grip on sanity. As her psychologist husband attempts to repair her shattered psyche, She becomes increasingly deranged and performs some of the most twistedly violent acts on He, and herself, as the film rolls on to its memorable, gritty finale. She has to be one of the more sympathetic characters on this list because of how she was rendered insane, but it’s hard to feel too bad for her when she’s smashing He’s balls with a big block of wood. Ouch.