Horror’s Top 10 Most Frightening Women

Regan MacNeil (Linda Blair in The Exorcist)
Even after nearly 40 years, Regan MacNeil is still the scariest thing ever put to film. The Exorcist is a beautifully deranged film that seared the most horrific creature into our minds forever. The slow burn of the confrontations between Regan and Father Karras and then Karras and Father Merrin together as the film culminates are iconic. But it’s not the finale that gets you; it’s the build-up of the constant disturbing scenes that make the film so powerful. It’s gentle at first – just Regan sitting on the chair with her arm in the air, inappropriately peeing on the floor in the middle of a posh dinner party. But as the film rolls on, the imagery (and incredible sound; the voice of the Pazuzu is by far the most chilling thing about this film) begins to take hold of you. Bringing us lines like the unforgettable, head-spinning “Do you know what she did, your cunting daughter?” or the almost majestically delivered “What an excellent day for an exorcism!” make Regan MacNeil one of, and arguably the most, frightening woman we’ve ever experienced in horror.

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