Top 13 Killer Animal Flicks!

Willard (1971)
When are we going to learn to stop antagonizing the quirkiest folks among us? I guess along those same lines, when are the quirkiest among us going to realize that things like training rats to do your evil bidding is pretty much a lousy idea. Neither of these rather easy to grasp lessons were heeded very well in Willard. Bruce Davison plays the outcast title character masterfully as he befriends and trains his vermin-filled army to do his nutsy bidding before they eventually turn on him. Can’t trust a rat, Willard. You, of all people, should have known that.
Squirm (1976)
Okay, everybody hates snakes, right? I know there are those of you out there that are the exception to the rule, you’ve got 20 ball pythons in fish tanks around your house, but as a general observation, I think it’s safe to say the majority of the public would like to spend as much time away from snakes as possible. But what about earthworms? Very snakelike, but somehow they don’t get the same bad rap as their larger brethren. However, anyone who’s ever had the chance to dig Squirm knows that those wiggly little devils, in large enough numbers, can be just as deadly as anything. As for me, I don’t even like fishing because of the whole worm on the hook process, so millions of earthworms shocked into a murderous frenzy by a giant bolt of electricity is more than I would care to deal with. Thanks for calling.