The Walking Dead’s Top 8 Scariest Zombies

As a show about a zombie apocalypse, “The Walking Dead” obviously has its fair share of zombies, or as they call them on the show, walkers. Despite the hundreds you have undoubtedly seen between the two seasons, there are some that have stuck out more than others.
So, instead of focusing on how many guys Lori has slept with or how many times Carl wasn’t in the house when he was supposed to be, we pay tribute to the best of the best of the zombie world that aim to kill them.
WARNING: If you haven’t watched an episode or aren’t caught up, there are massive spoilers in this article.

Poor Dale. Perhaps if Rick and Lori had performed better parental skills, Dale might still be alive. Instead, Carl doesn’t receive the attention a boy in a childless world needs and is never in the house when he is supposed to be. As a result, he steals Daryl’s gun and takes a walk in the woods only to come upon a walker stuck in the swamp. After taunting him with thrown rocks and the potential of young boy breakfast, the walker breaks free but misses out on a meal of Carl. Presumably having followed the scent of little boy, the swamp walker makes his way to the farm, only to tear poor Dale to shreds.
2. Little Girl Walker
The first zombie to grace the screen in the series is Summer, whose name we now know thanks to the social game. A flesh-eating child, probably being the last thing you would want to see while on the search for your own child and wife, Summer represents the death of innocence. All cute in her little robe, bunny slippers and the chunk of skin missing from her face, Rick has to put her down when she charges him.
3. Bicycle Zombie
Now known as Hannah, this is the first “living” zombie Rick sees after leaving the hospital. Just a torso and rotten flesh, Hannah poses no real threat to him, but she is the first proof Rick has that the dead live. Unable to walk due to the lack of legs, Hannah can only drag herself, so she doesn’t get very far when Rick, who sympathizes with her, comes back to put her out of her misery.
4. Well Walker
Probably the most disgusting zombie on the show, the walker in the well is all fat and bloated from being in the water for God knows how long. The team decides not to shoot it because that would contaminate the water in the well. Let’s face it: The guy probably already contaminated it, but they send Glenn down into the well to basically lasso the thing so they can bring it up. Despite a few glitches in their system, Glenn manages to pull it off, and off they go to remove the fatty from the well. What they didn’t anticipate was how fragile the walker’s skin would be from its days in the water, and it basically explodes in half, ruining any chance of water from the well. Next time they will learn to just shoot it and move on.
5. RV Walker
If you bought the Season 2 Limited Edition Blu-ray set, then you own a copy of this guy’s head and you get to actively stab him in the eye with a screwdriver. Sounds like fun, right? It is, but doubtfully so for Andrea, who is stuck in the RV bathroom, hiding from the real guy. When she fails to put her gun together in time, Andrea has to resort to using a screwdriver passed down to her by Dale through the RV roof. It is a close one, but Andrea ultimately wins out by repeatedly stabbing him in the eye.
6. Sophia
After six episodes of searching for Sophia, fans just wanted it to be over already. Then came the dramatic Episode Seven. Daryl has been injured and almost killed, thanks to Andrea’s terrible shot with a sniper rifle, searching for the girl and coming up with only her doll. That doll, however, is a sign that Sophia might just be alive. Even when Glenn finds the walkers in the barn, who stopped to consider that the girl might be inside? But she is. Thanks to hot tempered Shane busting open the lock to kill the barn’s undead inhabitants, Sophia is finally found. After six episodes of hoping that she might be found alive, hope is crushed by her little zombie legs walking through the barn door. In the end no one can put her down but Rick, who takes one for the team and puts a bullet in her head.
7. Shane
Shane needed to die. There is no argument about it. Sure, the guy saved everyone more times than most, but he was a danger to himself and everyone else. He was a shoot first and…well, lets face it, Shane wasn’t the type to apologize later. With his focus on getting Lori back from Rick, Shane began to go a little crazy. After murdering Otis to save Carl, which one might argue was a nice thing to do, Shane’s sanity begins to plummet. Once his insanity pushes him to try to murder Rick, there is no choice left but for Rick to kill him instead. Little did they know, it no longer takes a bite or scratch for one to return from the dead, and Shane soon rises, only to be put down by young Carl himself.
8. Car Accident Walker
When Beth slips into some sort of state from shock, Rick and Glenn are sent into town to find Hershel, who is at a local bar getting drunk. After being gone most of the day, Lori begins to worry about her husband and asks Daryl to go into town after them. After one hilarious Popeye insult thrown in her direction, Lori is left to fend for herself. Without telling anyone where she is going, Lori borrows a car and heads to town after them. While looking at a map instead of paying attention to the road, Lori hits a walker that is crossing the street and flips her car. After being blacked out for who knows how long, Lori wakes to find a walker shoving his face through a hole in the glass, not caring that the skin is being pulled back from his cheeks. Despite his determination, he is put down via turn signal bar to the eye.
Get your friends together and grab an abundance of your favorite alcoholic beverage this October 14th for Season 3 of “The Walking Dead” premiering on AMC.
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