8 Black Horror Podcasts You Need To Follow Right Now

A couple of months ago, I wrote about POC Horror Podcasts that we should all be following. It was awesome getting to highlight so many podcasts that aren’t on a network, so they have to work harder to grow their following. It was also really great to hear from podcasters who are changing the horror podcast game one episode at a time. As a podcaster, I know there are quite a few more of us out there. This is why I’m highlighting these 8 Black Horror Podcasts That You Need To Follow Right Now.
Afro Horror

Host: Sade Sellers
How Would You Describe Your Podcast?
Sade: A monthly horror podcast celebrating Black themes and creators.
What made you start your show?
Sade: I started the show four years ago when I started getting into podcasts and followed a bunch of horror-centered shows. Most of the larger platforms were by white creators and the way some of them spoke with such disdain about Black horror films (if they mentioned them at all) was just appalling. So I decided to create my own. I knew NOTHING about podcasting at that time, I just knew we needed more voices who understand the value Black creators/audiences bring to the horror genre.
Were you surprised to find other POC horror content creators after you started your show? Why, or why not?
Sade: Not surprised but grateful! Every time I find a new POC horror-based platform, I get excited because there weren’t many when we started, at least when it came to podcasts!
What is one thing you would want to say to POC thinking about joining the horror podcast community?
Sade: Recording is free, hosting isn’t. So put together a mini-budget. You can make a great podcast for $100. Use that money to pay for the hosting site but more importantly, hire an EDITOR! I lost mine after season one and am still looking. They make producing so much easier!
Anything else you want to say about podcasting within the horror community?
Sade: We need more! I want to see all iterations. More Black ones, Asian, POC QUEER. So if you’re thinking about it please, please do it.
Black Geek Couple Podcast

Hosts: Angel Barzey and Sylvester Barzey
How Would You Describe Your Podcast?
Sylvester: Our podcast is a fun hour to hour and a half of horror and geeky talk with a happily married Black couple. We try to publish every Friday and are looking to go to a three-day-a-week schedule starting next season.
What made you start your show?
Sylvester: We started this show as a fun outlet to spend time together and talk about all the geeky things that come into our minds as well as watch as many horror movies as we can. Mostly it’s just a great way to be with each other and laugh.
Were you surprised to find other POC horror content creators after you started your show? Why, or why not?
Sylvester: I wasn’t surprised, I figured there were POC content creators but I was surprised by the community and overall support that they provide. Everyone is so willing to help each other and be on each other’s programs. It was an amazing thing to see people want to see everyone shine. It’s not something I was used to seeing in other creative communities.
What is one thing you would want to say to POC thinking about joining the horror podcast community?
Sylvester: Just take the leap. Listen to a lot of other creators and make sure you use Anchor, it’s super easy to create a podcast using them. Most importantly, just have fun with it.
Anything else you want to say about podcasting within the horror community?
Sylvester: The horror industry is changing, with every new project comes more representation, so we need more diverse voices to speak on them. The only way things can continue to move forward is if we push them forward. The community is out there and it is amazing
Bloody Blunts Cinema Club

Hosts: DeVaughn Taylor and Garrett McDowell
How Would You Describe Your Podcast?
DeVaughn: Bloody Blunts Cinema Club is a podcast exploring what makes genre films work. I’m an aspiring filmmaker and also a big-time stoner, so I like to think I look at horror movies from an outside-the-box perspective. Each month, we focus on either a sub-genre or series. So when we discuss a movie, we discuss it compared to other movies in that sub-genre. Or dissecting the formula of a franchise: how do the films maintain their identity and compare against each other? The podcast is now in Season 2 after changing formats, going from double/triple features into focusing on one film at a time. Episodes previously featured just me and a guest or two, but I now have a permanent co-host in film journalist Garrett McDowell. We release episodes every Tuesday, sometimes Fridays as well.
What made you start your show?
DeVaughn: I had a podcast back in 2015-2016 that focused on all types of film with a similar guest + me format, but this was before podcasts were as popular as they are now so I stopped. But when the pandemic hit, I found myself with a lot of free time and the urge to talk movies again. In the years since my first one, I focused my writing mainly on horror and wanted a horror focused show since learning more as a filmmaker and gaining a new layer of appreciation for the genre.
Were you surprised to find other POC horror content creators after you started your show? Why, or why not?
DeVaughn: I wouldn’t say surprised, there have always been plenty of POC horror creators. But I think there have been more opportunities given to POC creators the past couple of years which makes others’ voices louder, which is wonderful to see.
What is one thing you would want to say to POC thinking about joining the horror podcast community?
DeVaughn: Horror tends to be a community for outsiders, so if there’s any community that a POC creator is going to feel comfortable in: it’s this one.
Anything else you want to say about podcasting within the horror community?
DeVaughn: Horror is already such a diverse genre, so with each unique voice discussing the genre: I feel like I’ll never run out of horror content to listen to because each show’s voice is so different. It’s a good time for fans of horror podcasts!
Kill The Dead Podcast

Hosts: Ashley Caldwell, Devin Baldwin, and Garrett Johnson
How Would You Describe Your Podcast?
Garrett: A group of friends that love to talk about horror movies. Reviews spanning from the ones we love heat or love to hate new episodes every other Thursday.
What made you start your show?
Garrett: At the time there weren’t really too many BIPOC content creators. I figured why not become one. Not really having any expectations of what would ever come of it.
Were you surprised to find other POC horror content creators after you started your show? Why, or why not?
Garrett: In all honesty, it was my favorite part of being at home during the pandemic. So many content creators came together and supported each other, we made new friends, discovered new movies, and possibly inspired others to join in on the fun and create their own platform.
What is one thing you would want to say to POC thinking about joining the horror podcast community?
Garrett: It will be OK! What I mean by that is that no matter where you think your deficiencies are. Whether it’s technical knowledge, recording equipment, who will listen, or editing preferences. The worst thing that can happen is you’ve created it outlet for whatever going on in your mind and you get to talk about it with your friends or other whore fans. The one thing I would say about our show is no matter who you are or where you came from if you’re on our show by the end of it we will be friends.
Monstrosities Voice: Horrors Untouched Conversations

Host: Kyasia Fields
How Would You Describe Your Podcast?
Kyasia: A podcast discussing horrors untouched conversations and accentuating the importance of black horror films. Originally bi-monthly but with all of the other projects that I am currently working on I just try to put out episodes when I can.
What made you start your show?
Kyasia: I wanted to start my podcast because I had a lot to say about Black representation in horror at the time and wanted to express my thoughts and theories publicly. I also just LOVE rambling over horror movies
Were you surprised to find other POC horror content creators after you started your show? Why, or why not?
Kyasia: Yes! After the summer of 2020, I found so many other POC horror content creators on social media, and I was so overwhelmed with joy because I didn’t feel alone anymore.
What is one thing you would want to say to POC thinking about joining the horror podcast community?
Kyasia: DO IT! The space is infinite, the love is infinite, the BIPOC Horror community is really like family and we all support each other and stick up for each other. It’s truly beautiful.
Anything else you want to say about podcasting within the horror community?
Kyasia: HAVE FUN! Horror has so much depth and you can go so far; but also remember to have fun. Horror is fun.
The People Under The Scares

Hosts: Bobby Torrez and Michael Brown
How Would You Describe Your Podcast?
Michael: I would describe The People Under The Scares podcast as a weekly dive into the deranged minds of two horror fans that are always looking to appreciate horror with a laugh or a shriek.
What made you start your show?
Michael: Being surrounded by and bonding with so many horror creators that were Black and/or Queer felt familiar and ignited a fire in me to have an outlet doing something that I loved and that something has always been horror.
Were you surprised to find other POC horror content creators after you started your show? Why, or why not?
Michael: I actually gathered the courage to start The People Under The Scares podcast because I had either listened to, met, or started bonding with POC horror content creators. I will say before experiencing Kill The Dead podcast and Bobby Likes It Spooky on Youtube I had no idea that there were this many POC creators in existence in regards to horror. Honestly, that could’ve just been a correlation I made based on the lack of representation of POC’s and Queer people in horror in general.
What is one thing you would want to say to POC thinking about joining the horror podcast community?
Michael: The one thing I would want to say to any POC thinking of joining our community is that representation absolutely matters. Your choosing to join could spark the interest and inspiration of others. I would also like to express that to those that are interested, but second guess themselves, their talents, etc.
Anything else you want to say about podcasting within the horror community?
Michael: Podcasting within the horror community for me has been an eye-opener. I didn’t realize how much I needed to express my love and appreciation for horror until I became a part of this spooky family. It has been an amazing experience thus far and I can’t wait to see what the future holds.
Scary Crit Podcast

Hosts: Jared Hudson and Lauren La Melle
How Would You Describe Your Podcast?
Lauren: Horror and Pop Culture from a Black AF perspective.
What made you start your show?
Lauren: I feel like everyone started a podcast during lockdown! But seriously, I got a master’s in film studies, focusing on horror for my thesis. And of all the theories we talked about in regards to film, the language was never accessible, even though the ideas were. And most of what we watched and talked about was white. I wanted to create a space where we could look at these really dense ideas in a way that spreads knowledge and is geared towards people from my community.
Were you surprised to find other POC horror content creators after you started your show? Why, or why not?
Lauren: Yes and no. Like I know we’re out there because duh. We exist. But I didn’t have access to the community before we started the show. When you search “horror podcasts” we’re not the first options to come up, and starting the show let us meet so many wonderful POC horror creators that I don’t know if we would have found otherwise.
What is one thing you would want to say to POC thinking about joining the horror podcast community?
Lauren: It’s so much fun here! Everyone does such different things, even though we’re talking about the same films and shows and games. Everyone is so creative and kind and supportive of one another.
Anything else you want to say about podcasting within the horror community?
Lauren: Horror is great and it really warms my heart to see so many people who look and sound like me engaging with my favorite genre. When I was in grad school, I was the only Black woman in my program, the only filmmaker, and the only person talking about horror. Luckily I was able to teach an undergrad course my last year, but the all-white students didn’t think I was in the right room – let alone the professor. I introduced them to so many films they would have never bothered to watch if not for that class. It makes me happy to see everyone thriving and watching scary movies.
Terrornova Podcast

Hosts: Jackie Martinez and Kendell Burton
How Would You Describe Your Podcast?
Kendell: Jackie and I are horror fans that want to invite horror fans and non-horror fans to have a seat at the traumatic table.
We always see the genre offers more than blood and gore. We prove that through conversation so don’t harp on the murders, but live on the themes, history, and insanity of the drama. For everyone, the genre offers something that makes you go “well shit, I know that feeling. It’s scary to me. That feeling is scary to me.”
What made you start your show?
Kendell: I pulled Jackie out of her cave and asked her to join me in this adventure. We always talked horror and thought this was a fun way to contribute to the world. We always had opinions on this stuff.
Were you surprised to find other POC horror content creators after you started your show? Why, or why not?
Kendell: Not really because I’ve met tons of POC that like horror before we made Terrornova. I never really looked for them but I can’t stop looking for more.
What is one thing you would want to say to POC thinking about joining the horror podcast community?
Kendell: Do it. There are others that love horror as much as you do and no one really cares how you contribute to it. Find your voice. Someone will listen.
Anything else you want to say about podcasting within the horror community?
Kendell: Thanks for welcoming us with open arms. We’ve met some great people so far and hope to meet even more.
Let me know if you’ve found your new favorite one on this list (or the last one) at @misssharai.
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