You Can Stream These 5 Halloween Episodes of ‘80s Sitcoms on YouTube!

The ‘80s were an era filled with bizarre and daring televised offerings that saw networks taking risks on unusual and unorthodox ideas. For the children of that era, those memories will last a lifetime. And for fans of the macabre, the Halloween episodes of those series will always hold a particularly special place in our hearts. With that in mind, I am looking back on a handful of Halloween-themed installments of beloved programs. Read on for five ‘80s sitcom Halloween episodes you can watch for free on YouTube!
ALF – ‘Some Enchanted Evening’
If you grew up in the ‘80s, chances are good that you remember ALF and have a soft spot for this series about a family banding together to provide housing and protection to an alien that crashes his space ship in their garage.
Fans of ALF will be happy to know that the Halloween-themed episode ‘Some Enchanted Evening’ can be found on YouTube. This episode finds the titular character keen to take the streets for some trick ‘r treating. However, the Tanner family worries it’s not safe for the lovable alien to be seen publicly. Being a resourceful chap, ALF convinces those attending a costume party at the Tanner home that he is a human in a costume and quickly establishes himself as the life of the party.
Small Wonder – ‘The Laswsonville Horror’
Do you remember this all-but-forgotten series from the ‘80s? Small Wonder ran from 1985-1989 and follows a family with a robot named Vicki living amongst their ranks. The twist is that the robot is disguised as an adopted daughter, which leads to plenty of comedic hijinks and bizarre misunderstandings for the Lawson clan.
In “The Laswsonville Horror” child-robot Vicki is electrocuted and begins to malfunction. But the strange behavior leads the Lawson family to believe she is possessed. As such, they call in a team of paranormal investigators. Fine Halloween fun!
The Facts of Life – ‘The Halloween Show
The Facts of Life follows a housemother at an all-girls school and her youthful charges as they become embroiled in various forms of comedic mischief and general tomfoolery.
‘The Halloween Show’ sees the young women learning of a murder that transpired in the location where Mrs. Garrett’s shop now sits. That unsettles the gals and causes them to overreact a bit. From there, they become convinced the housemother has been possessed by a killer. Ahhh!
Family Matters – ‘Dog Day Halloween’
This beloved sitcom followed the close-knit Winslow family and the nerdy next-door neighbor, Steve, who was perpetually outstaying his welcome while finding ways to create comedic mayhem. Is it from the ‘80s? Well, it came on the air in ’89, so I am running with it.
‘Dog Day Halloween’ finds Laura and Steve dressed up for the Halloween holiday but the festivities turn out to be short-lived when the pair find themselves trapped in a bank where a robbery is taking place.
Kate & Allie – ‘Halloween II’
This beloved series from the ‘80s followed two single mothers sharing a home and helping one another raise their brood.
In ‘Halloween II’, the titular characters attend a Halloween parade but the outing yields strange and unexpcted results. Upon returning home, the gals are joined by a man and his mysterious wife. The episode’s title is a nod to the 1981 film of the same name!
Also See: Sitcom Terrors: 5 of the Scariest Television Sitcom Episodes