Dread Central Presents: The Top 10 Horror Fan Films

8 – Marble Hornets – Marble Hornets isn’t technically a film, it’s a series of shorts that form an often disjointed, but nonetheless interwoven examination of the mythical Slender Man. With 80 shorts already released, Alex Kralie’s ongoing tale works wonders in casting a shroud of darkness over the human psyche. The jarring sequences in this series are near countless and while it has a few things working against it, the stars have come quite close to completely aligning for the crew behind this gem. If you can watch these shorts in succession, and walk away feeling as though you were deprived — in any way — of legitimate chills, you may not have been paying attention. Marble Hornets is what quality fanfare and found footage is really all about.
7 – Legends: A Friday the 13th Tale – Gerald J. Godbout III’s homage to Jason Voorhees is riddled with minor flaws (some, I believe, are a direct result of editing), but it’s ballsy, and I quite enjoyed it. In an ironic twist, we get a predominately ethnic group of protagonists, and a handful of them kick ass, not to mention survive. For decades the black man has surfaced in little more than minor bit parts when it comes to the Friday the 13th (an obvious tip of the cap goes out to Shavar Ross who portrayed Reggie “The Reckless” in the fifth Friday feature) series. But here, the white man takes to the backseat, and it is damn refreshing. When it comes to finance to payoff ratio, Legends is the star of this lineup. It looks as though very little monetary risk was taken while piecing the picture together, but there’re 40 fine minutes to enjoy here.