Dread Central Presents: The Top 10 Horror Fan Films

4 – Friday the 13th: Extraction – A relatively unique concept, respectable production values, sound onscreen performances and some nifty special effects work make this one of the finest Friday the 13th fan films in existence. That says a lot, given the fact that there must be 100 shorts of this ilk floating about the interweb. Most however, just don’t capture the essence of Jason Voorhees and the now firmly established mythos of the machete wielding maniac like Samuel Farmer and Corina Seaburn’s Friday the 13th: Extraction. This flick does virtually everything right. We’ve got a genuinely menacing Jason on hand, a new spin on the story with a new location and a new design to the core conflict, and – again – the effects are quite impressive (keep an eye out for the eye-socket pop gun scene… just plain awesome). When it comes to Friday the 13th fan films, you’d be hard pressed to find a superior effort.
3 – Hellraiser: No More Souls – No More Souls starts on an awkward note. The camera slowly moves in on a dismal Pinhead, who laments about some wretchedness or another. He’s obviously a bit down and out… What better way to lift the spirits than summoning a few Cenobites to tear his body to shreds? That’s Pinhead’s offbeat, masochistic way of thinking, and holy crap is effective. This production looks stunning. Gary J. Tunnicliffe manufactures a very loyal Hellraiser aesthetic (even Pinhead looks convincing, despite the absence of Doug Bradley), and that’s no surprise. Gary isn’t exactly a stranger to Clive Barker’s genius invention; He’s handled makeup effects for about a half dozen Hellraiser films. He’s well versed in all things Cenobite related, and that connection with the story enables him to assemble a jarring short that must be seen.