Dread Central Presents: The Top 10 Horror Fan Films

2 – Krueger: Another Tale from Elm Street – If you want to talk about disconcerting productions, you want to talk about Krueger: Another Tale from Elm Street. Director Chris R. Notarile has become something of a fan film aficionado, having tackled (in impressive fashion) such icons as Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, Pinhead and Leatherface – to name but a few – but it’s his work with the nefarious Freddy Krueger that stands as his greatest achievement. And there’s a reason for that: Chris has uprooted the tale and taken fans back in time, opening up a whole new realm of fear on Elm Street. Fred’s still alive, having yet to enter the intersection that leads to a lynching at the hands of enraged parents. And we get a nasty examination of his behavior and habits, which as you might expect, are every bit as loathe worthy as his tendencies as a supernatural dream killer. But there’s something marginally more frightening about watching the man lure children into his lair where he reaches for the dreaded glove and… You see where we’re going. Amazing film that looks beautiful and chills right down to the bone marrow, Krueger: Another Tale from Elm Street borders on masterful.
1 – Welcome to Hoxford – An amalgamation of animation, wildly inventive visual effects and sleek live action, Julien Mokrani’s 20-minute Welcome to Hoxford is an engrossing piece of work. It’s a condensed reimagining, to say the least, but Mokrani remains as faithful as possible to Ben Templesmith’s riveting source material. The special effects, both visual and practical are top notch and the editing is spot on. To top it all off the flick features appearances by Jason Flemyng (Clash of the Titans, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen), Dexter Fletcher (Kick-Ass, Doom) and Arben Bajraktaraj (Taken, Harry Potter franchise), and they’re about as dedicated to their work as one could hope for. If you’re on the prowl for an extremely high quality lycanthropic tale, you absolutely must seek this beauty out. Hands down the greatest fan film I’ve ever seen!
WELCOME TO HOXFORD, THE FAN FILM from Julien Mokrani on Vimeo.
A note to the loyal DC readers: If you feel I’ve omitted something special, or you’ve got some strong recommendations, don’t be bashful. After watching somewhere between 300-400 fan films in preparation for this article, I’m confident with my list, but I’m more than prepared to recognize the fact that something special may have slipped through the cracks, and I’m eager to devour more fan-fueled genius. There are a lot of stellar fan films out there. If it’s worth watching, and it’s not on this list, drop a line. I’d love the chance to unearth another beauty.
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