The flavor of bile is unmistakable. There just isn’t anything that tastes quite like it. And you know it when it comes on: The belly rumbles, the esophagus lurches within, and you battle back the slimy liquid that threatens to spew forth from your lips.
It’s a nasty experience. We all hate that sensation so we’re taking measures at Dread Central to help prevent such a situation from occurring.
See, there are horror sequels out there that are so horrifically bad they somehow trigger something in our internal systems… and the belly begins to rumble. We wish you no stomach troubles here, and we certainly wish the taste of bile on no man or woman. So we’re going to provide you with a list of sequels to avoid at all costs because if you check these out, you’ll be searching for the toothbrush in no time!
Exorcist II: The Heretic – Good lord, talk about terribly made films and totally and completely unnecessary sequels. The Heretic was certainly a blasphemous follow-up to one of the most beloved productions ever crafted (kudos to the brilliant William Friedkin, who did an amazing job bringing the original tale to life). What’s so perplexing about it is the overall package: The flick had a fair budget, a solid cast (Linda Blair, Max Von Sydow, Louise Fletcher, James Earl Jones), a capable director (John Boorman, who gave us strong flicks like Deliverance and Excalibur), and a sound special effects crew. But one horrendous script can annihilate all of those positives, as William Goodhart proves. The film feels as though it has absolutely zero direction or logic in mind, which forces everyone to struggle with the production and the entire point of the picture. It’s so dull it could potentially put you in a coma, and a preposterous climax doesn’t help matters one bit. You can’t successfully duplicate the finale of the first Exorcist. A bad sequel? Nope. A despicable sequel.