15 Nauseating Horror Sequels
Howling II: Your Sister is a Werewolf – If you’re a fan of films that make not a lick of sense, you’ll probably love this flick. Typically, a well told tale sits a bit better with this particular spectator. But Howling II: Your Sister is a Werewolf is all over the place. It’s basically a bunch of scenes thrown together. As it just so happens, very few of those scenes make for much of any impact. In fact, most of those scenes suck. It’s astonishing to know that Christopher Lee would have any hand in this production, but he did. I’m sure he regrets that to this day. That said, he may throw the film on every now and then to take in the one positive quality of the flick: loads of nudity from Sybil Danning.
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer – Sometimes you forget how bad a movie is until you watch it again years later. Such is the case with this astoundingly bad sequel. Who in their right mind thought this was a good idea? Who the hell approved the script? It’s loaded with terrible dialogue, the relocation of the film’s events completely thwarts continuity, the acting rivals a Troma production, and it’s not for one single second frightening. If not for a brief appearance from Jeffrey Combs, this one would rank in the top three worst sequels ever turned out for a quick buck.