Top 9 Sinister Chefs Serve Up the Scares!

Bon appétit! It is the chef, or the cook if you will, that makes all the magic happen with the food we eat. The right chef can take your ordinary meal and make it extraordinary… or is that Hamburger Helper? Anyway, here are the Top 9 Sinister Chefs in horror.
With the release of Serving Up Richard (review), we decided to dig down deep and remember some of our favorite chefs and cooks throughout the history of horror.
Whether they be chefs of the gourmet variety, or they just threw something (like a boiling bunny) on the stove, the following list of ne’er-do-wells all know their way around a kitchen. And that’s one of the reasons why we love them.
As always, we’ll give you a few honorable mentions to get things going. Glenn Close’s previously referenced character, Alex Forrest, was perhaps not a true chef, but she sure knew how to boil the hell out of a bunny in Fatal Attraction. Crazy gypsy Tadzu Lempke managed to bake a curse right into a pie in Thinner. Not bad, if Nutri-System could somehow get their hands on a pie that makes you thinner, they’d corner the market in the weight loss game! And ragdoll Sally from A Nightmare Before Christmas certainly knew how to cook her way out of captivity. Dr. Finklestein: “Worm’s wart, mmm! And…frog’s breath?”/Sally: “What’s wrong? I-I thought you liked frog’s breath.”/Dr. F.:“Nothing’s more suspicious than frog’s breath!” So she may not have been the best cook when it came to hiding the flavors of her secret ingredients, but she always managed to slip that deadly nightshade in one way or another.

The old, large box VHS forgotten gem Blood Diner from 1987 featured a pair of brothers, Michael and George Tutman, running (ironically enough) an incredibly popular vegetarian restaurant. While running said restaurant, they are at the same time collecting body parts from ‘immoral women’ to create a blood buffet which will allow them to resurrect the ancient Lumerian goddess Sheetar and unleash all kinds of bad times. All the while the brothers are being guided by their Uncle Anwar, a disembodied brain and eyeballs who initially started the project of resurrecting Sheeter. Possessing the fantastic tagline “First they greet you… then they eat you”, Blood Diner has yet to find DVD release in the US except for appearing in a killer Lionsgate six-pack with films like Fido, Parents and Boy Eats Girl.