NSFW: 10 of History’s Most Controversial Horror Films

Inside: For my buck, Inside is quite possibly the most unnerving addition to the cinematic history books. Finding a picture as revolting as this isn’t easy. Unlike many of the more controversial films of our time, Inside isn’t all about sexual sadism and over-the-top torture sequences. Make no mistake; there’s certainly some torture to behold, but it isn’t directionless. While it is unbelievably disquieting, there’s believable motivation behind one strange woman’s attacks on the unsuspecting mother-to-be, Sarah. And, for the record, Sarah is already enduring something of a living hell, having recently lost her husband in a car accident. Now she’s come face to face with a lunatic who wants to carve the unborn baby right out of her belly. Disgusting, thought-provoking and truly jarring, simultaneously!
Antichrist: What helped propel Antichrist forward as an effectively provocative attention grabber wasn’t unrivaled visuals or content alone, but the fact that successful international director Lars von Trier sat in the director’s chair for filming tasks while American ace Willem Dafoe fronts the movie. But make no mistake; there’s more than just a few marquee names behind this strangely engrossing picture. Antichrist sports tons of insane symbolism and an array of dark undertones. There are moments in the film – which, for the record is about a couple dealing with the accidental death of their young son – that are so magnetic you simply cannot turn away. In truth, for all of its insanity Antichrist is a compelling piece of film that works as a remarkably challenging character study.