High Tension: Most creative decapitation on the list? Quite possibly! There’s something to be said about the savagery of this particular execution, if for no other reason than the fact that we just don’t see this gruesomeness every day. For those who’ve forgotten this riveting sequence, High Tension’s villain (I won’t specifically identify the killer, in the off chance that you’re one of about a dozen people alive who haven’t seen this amazing flick) actually uses a dresser to take one head clean off. I mean gone in one hasty motion, nothing but blood splatter lingering. This is one of the moments that established Alexandre Aja as a certified powerhouse of horror, and he followed it up with a few more equally impressive moments as the picture progressed (come on, you know you got a kick out of the “oral” scene). His body of work henceforth speaks for itself.
Cigarette Burns: Many will argue that Cigarette Burns was the last truly great film John Carpenter made (I’m actually quite the fan of The Ward, believe it or not). I’m not mad at anyone who stands by that assessment, as this was a highly disturbing production crammed full of aesthetics designed to ignite revulsion and real fear. And there are some very haunting visuals to boot, it’s not just the gratuitous violence that stands out. However, that gratuitous violence is at times completely inescapable and unforgettable. Case in point, the decapitation of that poor broad who’s tied to the chair of some strange sadomasochistic freak who happens to be in possession of a massive blade. It’s no wonder Daryl Dixon is so well versed in disposing of walkers – the poor guy’s been witnessing beheadings for about a decade already. He’s got a huge edge on Rick!