Ms. Vampy and Dr. Gash Offer Some Helpful Hints to Make the Most of Mother’s Day

What is the most important holiday? Christmas? Halloween? If you know what’s good for you, you’ll say Mother’s Day; and this year Ms. Vampy (actress Brooke Lewis) and Dr. Gash have teamed up to bring you some pointers to help make the most of it!
Take these tips and use them as best you can… and Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers out there!

Ms. Vampy says: Put the Past in the Past–Sure, we are all a little effed up from our childhood, aren’t we? 🙂 So, on Mother’s Day choose to live in the present and let go of the mistakes your mother or your sister made when you were growing up! Rather than allowing yourself to feel like that 12-year-old kid again, be an adult and come from a place of LOVE!
Dr. Gash says: Of course, it’s always best to put negative things in the past and move forward, especially when it comes to family! There may have been no character more twisted by his mother than Norman Bates in Psycho, and he seemed to get over it okay. Well, that’s not entirely true. He actually didn’t really get over it very well at all, considering the murders and the split personality and everything. But all that being said, no matter what, a boy’s best friend is his mother.
Ms. Vampy says: Work Within Your Budget–I know it is a big thing to take the family out to a Mother’s Day brunch and get all fancy! Trust me when I tell you that if you are on a budget, your mother or wife will appreciate simple and “real” gifts just as much. Think back to when you were a kid and you brought home arts and crafts that you made for your mother at school. Her eyes would light up when you gave them to her, wouldn’t they? Bake her favorite cake, pie or brownies and decorate a gift box from scratch. Make a collage of photos of the family. Any woman will appreciate the effort you put into this.
Dr. Gash says: Homemade gifts are always wonderful, but maybe you don’t consider yourself the craftiest person in the world. There are more than a few examples in horror you can check out to perhaps get some crafting inspiration. In The Texas Chain Saw Massacre we saw plenty of knickknacks made out of bones. Jame Gumb in The Silence of the Lambs had a penchant for sewing skin, but our favorite horrific crafter is Otis B. Driftwood from House of 1000 Corpses. If his Fishboy creation is any example of the quality of his work, then Otis could no doubt earn himself some extra scratch by giving art classes down at the Y.
Ms. Vampy says: Tell Her How Much You Love Her (in Person or via Phone or Skype, NOT via Email or Text)–Communication is a lost art these days! Yes, cards are wonderful, but go that extra step and tell your mother, stepmother, grandmother, wife, aunt, girlfriend, partner, sister, daughter, etc., how much you love her; and be sure to give specific examples of all the things she does that you are grateful for!
Dr. Gash says: That is wonderful advice. Too often we wait until it’s too late to tell the ones we love what they mean to us, especially Mom! But there’s one family where that certainly wasn’t the case. In the 1980 film Mother’s Day, Rose Ross plays a particularly twisted mom, but one thing is certain: Her boys, Ike and Addley, will do whatever their mother says to please her. And nothing says love like a-rapin’ and a-killin’, right? Well, I guess so, but as Mother would say…“Darlin’s, you have made your mother very prawwwd!”
Ms. Vampy says: Do Something Special for Someone Who Is Not Your Mother–Life can be challenging and lonely, and a lot of people are facing hardships these days. Go out of your way and give a card or a flower to that neighbor who is a single mother and always offers to drive your child to school. Maybe there is a mother at your work whose children live in another state? Bring her a chocolate kiss, and see her smile the rest of the day!
Dr. Gash says: Yes! Pay it forward. Nothing makes the world go ’round like unexpected kindnesses. And once again, we’ve got a great example of this in horror. In Saw Jigsaw made a point of trying to help people appreciate their lives. To show them just how precious each moment is. And that is why he slapped that reverse bear-trap thing onto Amanda’s (Shawnee Smith) head in the original Saw film… to try to show her how precious life is. Of course he also had her dig through the innards of what she thought was a dead body. Whoops! But the bottom line was Jigsaw just wanted to share his lust for life.
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