50 of the Most Ridiculously Awesome Foreign Horror Movie Posters

There’s perhaps nobody who appreciates the art of movie poster art more than we horror fans, who want nothing more than for our favorite movies to be adorned with the coolest art possible. Unfortunately, the art form isn’t exactly what it used to be…
As advances in technology have replaced the hand-drawn works of art from decades gone by with lifeless and totally dull floating heads and digital manipulations.
For many us, myself included, it was that glorious VHS box art and those eye-catching posters that made us fall in love with horror movies in the first place, and so it’s a real bummer that the art form has been tossed by the wayside in recent years, leaving artistic fans to draw up their own alternate art for the movies they dig. And thank god for that, because it is those fans, and companies like Scream Factory, who are putting the art back into poster art and reminding us all how truly important a piece of movie art really is.
But I digress. We’re not here to lament the loss of stunning hand-drawn artwork but rather celebrate it, and to do so we’ve compiled a mega-sized image gallery containing 50 pieces of vintage poster art for you to browse through and enjoy. But we’re not just talking any poster art. Oh no. We’re talking foreign poster art, whipped up to promote the releases of some of our favorite movies outside the good old USA.

From the infamous poster art of Ghana, which was almost always drawn by artists who didn’t actually watch the movies, to the wild and whacky stylings of Japan, this gallery represents the coolest of the cool when it comes to foreign poster art with selections from France, Poland, Belgium, Cuba, Turkey, Germany, Thailand, Czechoslovakia and Spain.
Some of these posters are leaning more towards the side of ridiculous, others the side of totally awesome, but we think you’ll agree that they’re all just plain ridiculously awesome.