Top 9 High School Horrors

The ratty hair, the twisted teeth, the oily flesh. No, I’m not talking about the newest movie monster. I’m talking about our awkward high school years! In celebration of the release of All Cheerleaders Die, we’re taking a look back at the Top 9 High School Horrors.
Looking back, we can remember plenty of high school horrors, and combination skin is just one of them. There were a lot of possibilities for this list, and we’ve got 9 of our favorites listed below. But we would have to flunk ourselves if we didn’t turn in an honor roll of honorable mentions.
Of course another Lucky McKee film, The Woods, has to be listed, as does Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And those vivacious vixens from The Craft turned up the heat in their high school, and nobody – and we mean nobody – survives Cherry Falls.
And now, on to the…

Carrie (1976)
Perhaps the ultimate high school horror film, Carrie is a master class on the outcast teenager. Stephen King’s first novel, Carrie has been remade multiple times, but the power of the original film has never been matched. The many instances of abuse that Carrie endures both at school and at home are hellacious, but it’s the climactic prom scene that has burned into the minds of audiences for nearly 40 years. Sissy Spacek created a rare iconic horror moment when she reacted to the blood being poured on her and to this day the name Carrie still sends a shiver up many a spine.