Top 9 Frozen Features in Horror

Let the Right One In (Låt den Rätte Komma In) (2008)
This Swedish vampire movie is another splendidly refreshing take on the vamp sub-genre of horror. Although the cold and frost were not the threat in this movie, they formed such a powerful part of the scenery that the falling snow almost became a character in itself. It’s a love story and a revenge story. It’s a story of commitment and empowerment, and it’s all told through the eyes of two 12-year-olds. Well, one of them has been 12 years old for a really, really long time. Such a powerful story, Let the Right One In blew international audiences away as the frozen tale unfolded in a wash of blood and promises. Oskar and Eli would go down as one of the most memorable couples to arise from a horror film in a long, long time.
Dead Snow (2009)
Ein, Zwei, Die! Just when you think you’re all set for a nice ski vacation with the coolers packed and nothing but fun on the horizon, what do you run into? That’s right, Nazi zombies. And there may not be any group of individuals harder to get along with than Nazi zombies. They are bastards. In this Norwegian film, writer/director Tommy Wirkola decided the only way to make zombies even worse than they traditionally are was by making them Nazis as well. Yeah, that ought to do it. Dead Snow is a fantastically fun zombie romp set in the frozen landscape of Øksfjord, Norway. And, obviously, when a film is as outrageous as the original Dead Snow was, we all know a sequel can’t be far behind. Which brings us back to our featured film, Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead.
Ravenous (1999)
Sometimes you’ve just gotta eat your friends. It’s a simple but unfortunate fact of life and one that the boys at Fort Spencer in the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range learn all too well. Ravenous is such a vastly underrated film as there is so much going on here, and it all happens in front of a backdrop of a frigid winter landscape. Robert Carlyle and Guy Pearce are both fantastic in the movie, and the story itself is simply brilliant. Dark humor, horrific happenings and a great tale that brings it all together make Ravenous a memorable film to be enjoyed by cannibalistic fans far and wide. And always remember: You are who you eat!
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