8 Times The Walking Dead Paid Tribute to Our Favorite Horror Movies

Another non-Romero zombie popped up in Season 4 during the premiere episode of the season’s second half. If you blinked, you probably missed it, but during the scene where Michonne was walking with a bunch of zombies, one of the zombies was a little bit more decayed than the others, with its skeleton almost fully visible. This unique walker was a nod to An American Werewolf in London, inspired by Jack Goodman’s fully undead corpse. A nice little tribute to Rick Baker, who’s responsible for the incredible makeup effects in that film.
The most recent zombie cameo that we’ve spotted took place in the 15th episode of Season 4, when Glenn and Tara entered a zombie-infested tunnel and almost lost their lives. Inside the tunnel was a clear homage to Day of the Dead‘s Bub, perhaps the most iconic and beloved walker in the history of horror cinema. Again, Nicotero worked on (and appeared in) Day of the Dead, so it was only a matter of time before Bub popped up for a quick cameo!
And finally, there was a fun little Easter egg in Season 5’s action-packed premiere episode, which was so briefly seen that it was easy to miss. When Rick and the gang are headed towards the train car to let the crazy bearded dude out, a brief flash of a crate is seen in the foreground, with the very same label as the one from the Romero-directed Creepshow. Yep, that’s an homage to the film’s segment ‘The Crate,’ and it was Nicotero’s mentor Tom Savini who designed the monster that was housed inside.
Have you spotted any other fun horror homages like these on “The Walking Dead”? Comment below and let us know!