Halloween 2014: Top Alternative Viewing Choices

A Slasher of a Different Breed
Mischief Night: Mischief Night arrived on the heels of very little buzz, but as it turns out, it’s an awfully inspired flick that deserved a stronger promotional push than it received. Equal parts slasher and home invasion, the picture is quite jarring thanks to Richard Schenkman’s willingness to hold shots and take his time building tension. In fact, his cinematic style is a little reminiscent of a young John Carpenter. And this tale of a blind girl tormented in her home the night before Halloween is successful in creating a lasting dread rather than a quick jolt or shock. The movie and the idea behind it linger courtesy of the heavy psychological edge of the film. It would have been nice to see some more Halloween-themed shots, but the flick is rather moving all the same, and the actual fear looms heavy thanks to some cool atmosphere and a decision to inject more realism in the production than overt hyperbole.
Terror on Television
“Penny Dreadful”: The easy suggestions here are “American Horror Story: Freak Show” and “The Walking Dead,” as both are top-notch efforts that work very well for the Halloween season (“The Walking Dead” capturing a cool Night of the Living Dead vibe, which is always good for a Halloween viewing, and “AHS: FS” playing on the terrors of the carnival, which again, given the absurd creatures and wild getups, works perfectly this time of year). But everyone is already watching both of those shows. They’re both off to amazing season starts, and all eyes are on them. However, if you want to catch up on a really impressive television show that you may not have seen, Showtime’s “Penny Dreadful” is the way to go. It’s a period piece that essentially pits a group of monster hunters against some of the more famous historical figures. The acting is excellent, the story is gratifying and the monsters are great. If you’re not a Showtime subscriber, Season One landed on Blu-ray and DVD October 14th, and it’s a purchase worth your while. A mini marathon Halloween day won’t do a damn thing other than please you.
Here’s the deal: No one expects you to abandon your favorite Halloween films. Half of us will watch the first two Halloween movies come October 31st. A large portion of us will watch Trick ‘r Treat, Satan’s Little Helper and Hell Night as well. There’s nothing wrong with keeping the trusted and true in circulation. But if you’ve got some free time during the waning days of October, these are pieces worth looking into. You’re not likely to be disappointed by any project listed here, and you never know… you may just unearth a classic in the making or a new seasonal favorite.