10 of the Most Epic Horror Movie Mullets

The nape drape. The squirrel pelt. The beaver paddle. The Tennessee top hat. The Mississippi mud flap.
Call it whatever you want, but there’s no denying that the hairstyle most commonly known as the mullet is a truly remarkable thing, worn by those with the balls to wear it and revered by those who will never know what it truly means to have a business meeting in the front and a bitchin’ party in the back.
In tribute to “The Walking Dead’s” Eugene and that head of hair that instantly told us all he’s not really a scientist, we thought it might be fun to take a look back at some other epic mullets that have graced our screens over the years. Because why the hell would that not be fun?
So come along with us as we tour the hallowed halls of the Horror Movie Mullet Museum!
There are few horror movies more gloriously epic in the hair department than The Lost Boys, which features a wide array of hairstyles that remind us all that 80s hair is the best hair. The fact that Kiefer Sutherland’s bleached-blonde, undead mullet stands out amongst all the others is a testament to how truly remarkable it is, and it’s the sort of hairstyle that would instantly render most vampires totally uncool. Yet, Sutherland more than pulls it off, proving that it’s the man who makes the hair, not the other way around. Sleep all day. Party in the back.
A handful of characters immediately come to mind when the word combination “horror movie mullet” is mentioned, and one of those characters probably isn’t Tommy Jarvis. As portrayed by Corey Feldman in Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter, Jarvis rocked a pretty serious mushroom-style ‘do for the majority of the movie, though at the end he of course went incognito as a young Jason by crudely running a razor across his head. What you may not have realized is that Jarvis unintentionally gave himself a mullet in the process due to his inability to reach that special party spot. The Jarvis flavor-saver, I like to call it.