NSFW – The 13 Most Entertaining Video Nasties

Cannibal Holocaust: Three words: The turtle scene! Cannibal Holocaust sports a number of sequences that qualify as controversial and disturbing, but the one scene in this movie that has long haunted viewers (and director Ruggero Deodato, who openly admits to having gone too far) is that horrific turtle scene, in which an actual, living turtle is tortured on camera. It’s the kind of thing that can’t be shaken with ease… unless you’re a psychotic serial killer, in which case it’s probably pretty soft stuff.
The Burning: To be honest, I don’t think The Burning ever deserved to be bunched in with the other Video Nasties. It’s really not all that nasty. That said, there are a few grim shots, and director Tony Maylam certainly wasn’t afraid to leave our insides doing a barrel roll. It may not be the most grotesque film on this list, but it isn’t for the faint of heart either. What it is, overall, is a surprisingly kick-ass slasher film, released at the height of the slasher craze though generally under-appreciated. There’s a cool story at work (fueled by a long lasting legend), some awesome death scenes, a cast that’s going to surprise you, and an aesthetic that should feel quite reminiscent of the much-adored early Friday the 13th films.
Blood Feast: Over the top? Most certainly! Strangely infectious as a direct result? Oh hell yes! Herschell Gordon Lewis is the true king of gut-munching gore, and this is the picture that really earned him that position. He’s since gone on to gross us out with a number of other films, but ask any hardcore horror fan what H.G. Lewis is best known for, and chances are the answer is Blood Feast. It’s actually a pretty dreadful film, to be honest, but if you love to see insides on the outside and gore just works for you, then you have to see this film.