NSFW – Horror History: 8 A-Listers Who Bared it All in a Horror Film

Ashley Judd – Bug: Bug caught a nasty rep with fans quite early because frankly, the general voice seemed to want more bugs… actual bugs. But that’s not what Bug is about, at all, really. It’s a psychological story about two people who should have never encountered one another, coming together only to completely unravel. It’s a trippy piece, and despite what many fans will tell you, it’s actually really effective in creeping out the audience. It’s not Friedkin’s (yes, another William Friedkin flick makes the list) greatest, but it’s certainly not a film to write off without extending an opportunity to impress. At the very least, you’ll spot the stunning Ashley Judd fully nude.
Juno Temple – Killer Joe: Killer Joe isn’t an outright horror film. It’s certainly more thriller than anything else. But it is an extremely dark production, it is one of Matthew McConaughey’s greatest performances and it is a film from the legendary William Friedkin, who gave us classics like The Exorcist and The French Connection. If you haven’t seen it, it comes recommended. Not just because of, but certainly in part due to, Juno Temple’s full frontal scene. It’s not a hyper-sexual moment, but this quirky young lady has one hell of a body that most won’t mind gazing at for a few moments.