25 Must See Horror Movies from 2014

The myth that’s been floating about numerous sites is that 2014 was a dreadful year for horror. It must be admitted that on the commercial end, the genre felt devoid of genius. But when you examine the indie and foreign productions released this year, you’re going to find a myriad of sterling productions. There were a lot of true treasures that flew under the radar, and if you missed any of these, well.. you’re only depriving yourselves!
That’s why we’re here to help!
Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead: Everything that was awesome about Dead Snow is shockingly outdone by its immediate follow-up, Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead. The humor is off the charts, the performances are top-notch, the gore is great, and there’s one damn grandiose finale. Yes, folks, it’s definitely a stronger piece of art than the original Dead Snow.
Life After Beth: If you’re on the hunt for a zombie film of a different variety, Life After Beth is one to check out. The black humor is infectious, the performances from Aubrey Plaza and Dane Dehaan are stunning, and the comedically inclined John C. Reilly is never once outshined. Just so much amazingness in the film!
The Babadook: Initially, The Babadook looked as though it could be another run-of-the-mill possession flick with a creepy monster. While hints of those elements are present, this is far more a psychological chiller that descends into the ranks of palpable terror. You have to see this amazing, amazing film. Trust this: It will scare you.