25 Must See Horror Movies from 2014

Exists: Eduardo Sánchez’s return to the found footage format that cast his name into significant cinematic circles in the 1990s is definitely one of two top-notch found footage films to hit the market this year. Exists isn’t your typical handycam flick, but it offers tons of action, eerie visuals, great personalities, and a reveal that is absolutely to die for.
Housebound: This is probably my pick for greatest horror comedy of the year. Housebound came out of nowhere, and at first glance no one knew what to expect. Then the movie dropped, and we were amazed at how marvelous it was. You’ll find some of 2014’s best comedy here as a result of colorful characters and wild facial expressions showcased throughout, but the joy stretches far beyond that.
The Houses October Built: This isn’t a universally beloved found footage film, but that doesn’t change the fact that it boasts an amazing presence, a great premise, astonishingly believable characters, and a villainous climax that won’t leave you feeling too warm inside!