25 Must See Horror Movies from 2014

Horns: Horns wasn’t a universally loved film either. There are a few difference between the film and Joe Hill’s original novel, but I’ll be damned if it isn’t fairly faithful to Hill’s tale. Daniel Radcliffe is just manic enough to work well, there are some serviceable examples of special effects, and while predictable, it’s still a damn treat to behold. For my money, this one is significantly stronger than The Woman in Black.
The Last Showing: The Last Showing has flown under the radar in a major way. That’s damn criminal too, as it is one of Robert Englund’s greatest films. Englund gets to show an entirely different character here, but make no mistake: This dude is still a lunatic. This one picks up a few points for creativity, but it’s Englund’s performance that takes things to new heights.
The Purge: Anarchy: No need to spend a wealth of time discussing this one. What must, however, be said is that every illogical decision made in the first film is (THANK GOD!!) left to rot in a gutter somewhere. This is the Purge film I wanted to see the first time around!