25 Must See Horror Movies from 2014

The Scribbler: While dark on all fronts, The Scribbler isn’t an outright genre piece. But it is astonishing. First-rate visuals and cinematography set this one far apart from the norm. Forced to describe it in a single sentence: The Scribbler is a visual treasure with enough stunning sequences to leave your jaw on the floor.
Found: Hands down the absolute darkest picture in this list, Found will completely fuck with your head. It’s part coming-of-age tale, part serial killer tale, and eventually that all segues into a paralyzing finale pitting all key characters against one another. It may be a low budget film, but holy hell is it amazing.
Snowpiercer: This unique post-apocalyptic chiller taps into original ideas, and it works extremely well. The world’s final survivors are trapped on a souped-up train designed to circle the world without stopping. To stop means to put everyone’s health at risk due to the fatal cold that’s overtaken the world. The abominations occurring within the train, however, lead to an uprising that will result in mass bloodshed and startling revelations. A classic in the making.