Top 11 Creepiest Dolls in Horror

Demonic Toys (1992) – Baby Oopsy Daisy, Grizzly Teddy, Jack Attack, Mr. Static, etc.
Also brought to us by Charles Band’s Full Moon Entertainment, Demonic Toys features a line-up of demented playthings that are just a bit less polished than their Puppet Master brethren. None of them have the icy coolness of Blade or the sheer precision of Six-Shooter, but they are damn entertaining. So just what group of heinous hellions are superior? Of course we found that out when they squared off in Puppet Master vs. Demonic Toys (although this was not produced by Full Moon, so technically not in the Puppet Master canon). And, as with any head-to-head cinematic match-up, we never really find out just who is ultimately superior as Baby Oopsy Daisy gets one final shot in just as the credits role. But for sheer off-the-wall entertainment, you’ve gotta love these Demonic Toys!
Robert the Doll
While researching this list, we came across the story of a real-life haunted plaything named Robert the Doll. In 1906, this particular plaything was given to Key West painter Robert Eugene Otto by a Bahamian servant skilled in voodoo who was displeased with the family. First mistake. Never take a gift from a voodoo practitioner who is not pleased with you. According to the story, the parents first heard young Robert Eugene talking to the doll and figured he was disguising his voice and replying himself. Not the case. The story says the doll was talking back! Neighbors claimed to see the doll moving from window to window when the family was out, and it was said to even give off a heinous giggle. Young Robert Eugene would wake screaming in the night, and when his parents responded to a disheveled room, he would say, “Robert did it!” The segment below from Travel Channel gives a great history on this haunted artifact that is said to be the inspiration for Chucky.