Top 11 Creepiest Dolls in Horror
May (2002) – Suzie
Lovely May Dove Canady fits so nicely on so many of these top lists, and here she appears once again. She and her only true friend, her handmade doll Suzie. Unlike most of the other dolls on this list, Suzie never hurt anyone. Well, not really. But she certainly did inspire some violence. The destruction of Suzie’s case and body finally sent May off the deep end and into a murderous state of mind. We do have to admit May’s best look was when she dressed up in a Suzie-like fashion and started her bloody rampage. And May’s Frankenstein-like doll of human parts completed at the end of the film, Amy, certainly should be mentioned here as well.
Poltergeist (1982) – The Clown
Here’s another one for you kids of the late 70’s/early 80’s era. Was there anything more traumatic than the clown doll in Robbie’s room? What kind of soulless parents would put that maniacal looking thing in their child’s living quarters? Even before the face distorted into the death-grin, that clown was a menace. And it inspired the fear of clowns through generations! Ever heard of coulrophobia before? It’s the fear of clowns. We’ll bet it didn’t exist in the 60’s or 70’s. No one was afraid of clowns, for god’s sake. It wasn’t until after Tobe Hooper unleashed this nightmare on us that coulrophobia came to be. Once beloved jesters, clowns were now mistrusted and feared. Thanks for the nightmares, Tobe! An unforgettably creepy doll for the ages, the Poltergeist clown is in the Hall of Fame of Nightmarish Toys!
Child’s Play series – Chucky
Honestly, could there be any other name but Chucky at the end of this list. He’s a Good Guy doll, your friend to the end. That is, until he tries to shove a butcher knife into you or set you on fire or whatever other nasty little trick he may have dreamed up for you. Voiced unforgettably by Brad Dourif, Chucky is what happens when a voodoo-practicing serial killer (the Lakeshore Strangler, Charles Lee Ray) is combined with a child’s doll. Bad things, man. Bad things. And through Chucky we met the lovely Tiff and their seed, Glen. Fine companions for any kid looking for a plaything. Chucky does have to be considered perhaps the greatest and most successful evil doll of all time.