4 Fun Horror Films Shot on a Budget Less Than $10,000

Fan of inspired micro-films? Detractor of micro-films? Completely indifferent? Well, here are four genre flicks that managed to defy the odds and are likely to have your heads turning. Each film on this list initially flew under the radar, pieced together well beneath the $10k mark, and a number of them are extremely entertaining pieces of work.
If you’re on the hunt for an admirable shoestring, we’ve got four films to share with you – all of which were indeed shot on, or under, a $10,000 budget. These flicks are mandatory viewing for the aspiring filmmaker who has little change in his pocket but big aspirations. They’re also must-see features for those who love passion before big buck shine. Dig on four awesome horror films that overcame the obstacle of the financial mountain and gifted obsessed fanatics quality art on a virtually non-existent budget!
The Battery: The Battery stands as one of the finest zombie films to hit the market in years. It’s captivating, moves at a perfectly measured pace and bolsters character development like few pictures manage. On the facade, zombies seem to be the primary conflict, but The Battery steers clear of the undead outbreak cliche, opting to place two characters – Ben and Mickey – at the heart of the conflict. It’s not that they’re a feuding duo, but their plight does summon a very primordial tension (at times), and their quest to survive in a world overrun by dead is both taut and heartwarming. Shot on a budget of $6,000, this may be the greatest inexpensive feature ever created.
The Monster of Phantom Lake: There’s no point in telling you The Monster of Phantom Lake was a great film. It wasn’t. However, if you get a kick out of throwback monster flicks from the 1950s, you just might find some good (often) unintentional laughs from this little project. The fact that we’re afforded a look at goofy campers stalked by a mutated World War II soldier also holds some very real appeal!
President Wolfmam: President Wolfman is comprised of stock footage with some humorous vocal overlays. That, however, doesn’t steal away from the charm of the film. It’s extremely witty at times, and the outlandish concept of the picture is sure to win over just about anyone with an open mind and a liberal sense of humor. It’s a one-of-a-kind picture that’s bound to linger in the mental corridors of audiences long, long after viewing!
Within the Woods: So, perhaps this is cheating, as technically Within the Woods is a short film. But hey, Sam Raimi put this ambitious piece together (good luck finding a high quality transfer), and it was indeed a precursor to the now legendary Evil Dead franchise, which has won fans over worldwide. Not only that, but Bruce Friggin’ Campbell is in the flick. Sure, the quality of the film leaves something to be desired, and yes, there are obviously financial limitations (word has it the picture was put together on a $1,600 dollar budget). None of that steals the charm that this 32-minute treasure offers.
What are some of YOUR choices? Tell us in the comments section below.