11 Scariest REAL Ghost Photos

Photos of ghosts have interested me ever since I was a small boy. Over the years I’ve seen hundreds, if not thousands, of ghost images that are said to be authentic. Some were easily faked, but this group? They never fail to send shivers down my spine.
What you’re about to see is a series of images I’ve been collecting over the years. There are NO orbs because nine times out of every ten, unless they are incredible, they end up being dust or light or some other anomaly. Whether or not these images are the genuine article, we’ll never know. That’s for you to decide. What I can tell you as a fact, though, is that they’re damned compelling.
Enjoy, and be sure to share your own images and stories in the comments section below.

Originally published in the Chicago Sun-Times and said to be a still of CCTV footage from the Hampton Court Palace, located on the Thames River in London, England.

Small child playing hide and seek at a gathering or spectral party crasher?

In 1959, Mabel Chinnery was visiting the grave of her mother in a British graveyard when she took a picture of her husband, who was waiting alone in the car.

The monk-ghost at an altar of English church in Newby (Yorkshire). This picture was taken in 1963 by priest К.F. Lord.

The famed Amityville ghost image taken during an investigation while no children were present.