Top 9 Creepiest Clowns


Horrifically Frightening Clown Doll – Poltergeist
We mentioned at the opening of this article that Pennywise the Clown may have been more responsible for the current rash of coulrophobia than any other clown on this list. But those of us who grew up in the late 70’s/early 80’s will argue that the possessed clown doll attack scene from Poltergeist may indeed be the one that put an entire generation off clowns for life. We can’t imagine what kind of parents would even allow the non-possessed version of this clown doll to inhabit their child’s room, much less fathom the parental faux pas of blow-drying our hair while a murderous clown doll ravages our child. The Poltergeist clown was literally a thing of nightmares, we can personally vouch for that!

Pennywise the Clown (Stephen King’s IT))
Thanks a lot for the nightmares, Tim Curry, you jerk! Perhaps no clown has done more to drive a wedge between the human and clown populations than Pennywise. “We all float down here.” That’s not even a scary line, but when uttered from Pennywise’s lips, it becomes a slogan of terror. Hatched from the mind of the master of horror, Stephen King, Pennywise the Clown was a representation of pure evil. Yes, he turned into a hokey spider at the end of the television mini-series, but before that he was spot on! Curiously, we’ve heard a lot about a two-movie remake of IT. It would be tough to top Curry’s clown portrayal but interesting to see a new wrap-up for the iconic character.



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