NSFW – 10 Films that Put the Scares in Sex

Vampire’s Kiss
Yeah, yeah… I know I said we’d be avoiding vampires here, but come on — Vampire’s Kiss makes it onto the list by offering a sexual encounter as the launching point for the mental breakdown of Nicolas Cage’s odious executive Peter Loew and the level of complete madness that follows.
Of course, he isn’t really turning into a vampire at all, but the weird mix of comedy and horror employed here leads to one hell of a strange tonal experience – one that, when backed up by Cage’s utterly unhinged performance, shoots straight into bewilderingly unmissable territory.
Here – just have a watch of this compilation of Cage’s glorious antics, and enjoy.
It Follows
Straight from last year’s barnstorming The Guest, Maika Monroe stars as the unfortunate 19-year-old Jay, who finds herself the recipient of one particularly nasty STD.
This infection isn’t physical, but demonic – and monstrous. Passed from person to person via sexual means, the infection in It Follows takes the form of an entity that mercilessly stalks its newest recipient. It’s always watching… always following… and when it gets you… well, you’ll just have to find out when it hits UK cinemas on February 27 and lands Stateside on March 27.