Blizzard 2015 – Get Snowbound With These 5 Horror Classics!

Depending on where you are or your way of thinking, one thing is painfully apparent… the Blizzard of 2015 either sucks or is a godsend! Us? We tend to try to make lemonade out of lemons so if you’re home with nothing to do, why not cozy up to these wintry horror classics?
First let’s give some honorable mentions to a few movies that didn’t make this particular top 5 but still offer enough chills to keep your spine tingling for many storms to come: Dead Snow and its sequel, 30 Days of Night, The Last Winter, Silent Night Deadly Night, Black Christmas, Devil Times Five, and Cold Prey.
The Thing
Honestly you can’t go wrong with either the 1982 John Carpenter classic or the 1951 classic from Christian Nyby it was based on entitled The Thing from Another World. Just be sure you don’t end up watching 2011’s presequel or whatever the hell it was. Sure, it wasn’t that bad, but man, when it drops the ball, it really drops the ball.
This flick is good on every conceivable level and the perfect choice for some chilling cannibalistic mayhem. If you’ve never seen it, do yourselves a favor and correct that mistake like yesterday. Either that, or trade in your official Dread Central membership card because you’re just not cool enough to have one!
Let the Right One In
Truth be told, both this and the American remake, Let Me In, are pretty damned good, but for purity’s sake we’d go for the original 2008 film over the 2010 redux. Then again, if you’re one of those people who can’t stand reading subtitles, go for Matt Reeves’ flick. You can certainly find worse ways to spend your time than hanging out with a vampyric ChloĆ« Grace Moretz.
Simply put, this is one of the finest Stephen King adaptations ever put to film. Starring Kathy Bates as the obsessively psychotic Annie Wilkes and James Caan as her author-crush Paul Sheldon, this flick still holds up incredibly well and is brimming with wince-inducing moments.
The Shining (1980)
Never mind the made-for-TV movie that was closer to Stephen King’s original book. What you need is this one in which Jack goes bonkers and wants to bash someone’s brains in! He’ll bash them right the fuck in!
There. You’re all set! Now then… Tell us your favorite snowbound horror choices in the comments section below.