11 Top Cops in Horror

Reservoir Dogs – Officer Marvin Nash
Many of the officers on this list are serious kickass individuals. Now, not to say that our next two entries were BAMF’s, but through circumstances somewhat beyond their control, they ended up in some seriously, seriously shitty situations. Officer Marvin Nash experienced one of the most memorably bad-guy-on-good-guy moments in recent cinematic memory. Officer Nash (played by Kirk Baltz) is wickedly tortured by Mr. Blonde (Michael Madsen) in a scene that made sure viewers would never listen to the song “Stuck in the Middle With You“ the same way again. Certainly, Reservoir Dogs is more an action film than a horror jaunt, but what Mr. Blonde does to this unfortunate officer could certainly be worthy of any horror movie. Ears to you, Officer Marvin Nash.
Collar – Officer Dana
Director Ryan Nicholson sat down with Dread Central recently and talked about making Collar. He mentioned how star Nick Principe helped to reel him in, at one point saying, “Really Ryan? Another rape scene? Really?” Principe’s comment perfectly illustrates just what Nicholson inflicted upon Officer Dana in Collar. The film was inspired by a dream that Nicholson had where a psycho drags a police officer through the streets, removing body parts along the way, until the psychotic conclusion. And Nicholson did a great job bringing that nightmare to life. Officer Dana is absolutely ravaged after being ensnared by the heavy of Collar, a homeless menace named Massive. This is an experience that must be seen to be believed. And we can safely say that filmmakers would be hard pressed to top the devastation that befalls Officer Dana in Collar.
30 Days of Night – Sheriff Eben Oleson
It’s not easy being the one line of defense between an army of intelligent, hungry vampires and a town full of… well… food. The concept behind 30 Days of Night is one of the best ever. Although the comic series goes on to flesh the story out considerably, the original tale told of a herd of vampires that descend upon Barrow, Alaska, just before the town hits its annual stretch of 30 straight days of darkness. And, of course, in the span of that month, the vamps can walk freely, able to feed at will without having to return to the shadows during the daytime. And yeah, Sheriff Eben had to battle this. Not to mention Danny Huston playing the incredibly violent and vicious leader of the vamps. Eben would eventually meet his own demise at daybreak, but he battled those undead bloodsuckers like a champ.