Top 10 Must-Own Horror Toys: Texas Chainsaw Massacre Edition

The Chainsaw love continued with Series 3 of the Cinema of Fear line, with the addition of the aforementioned “Hitchhiker,” the only character from the original franchise other than Leatherface and Chop Top to get his own action figure. Gotta give serious props to Mezco for making this toy, because I quite frankly never in a million years expected any company ever would. The Hitchhiker came with all the accessories he carried around with him in the movie, including his sack, the razor he cuts Franklin’s arm with and the camera he takes his picture with. Presumably because not all that many people cared to own a toy of the character, this figure can often be found selling for as low as a few bucks. In other words, us true fans benefit from a lack of mainstream interest!
The most unique Chainsaw collectibles were released by a company called Hawthorne Village, who make those miniature towns you’ve probably seen in craft stores. In 2004 they launched a line of villages inspired by iconic locations from horror movies, which they dubbed the Hawthorne Village of Horror Classics. They released a whopping three pieces in honor of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, depicting the three most well known locations from the film; the gas station, Leatherface’s house and the Hardesty home. No Chainsaw collection is truly complete without these three awesome display pieces, and the Hardesty House is particularly worthy of note because it actually included a miniature figurine of one of the most irritating characters in horror history: Franklin (seen above, in front of Leatherface’s house). All three are pretty rare and sell for at least $100 a piece, if you can even find them.
I may get some hate for bumping off another awesome toy based on the original films in favor of this one, based on the 2006 prequel to the remake, but I personally dug the film, even if it was ultimately nothing special or different. Regardless of how you feel about the movie, I don’t think anyone will disagree that this box set from NECA is absolutely awesome, a highly gruesome plastic and rubber recreation of Eric’s brutal skinning at the hands of a young Leatherface. Definitely one of the more horrifying toys ever made, and that alone makes it a must-own piece. These typically sell for between $20-$60, depending on whether the set is loose or sealed.