Ju-on: The Final Terrorizes Japan This Summer

Yes, filmmakers are still churning out Ju-on movies in Japan. And yes, moviegoers are still paying good money to see them on the big screen. Although many believe the films ran out of cinematic steam years ago, that isn’t stopping writer/director Masayuki Ochiai from bringing Ju-on: The Final to screens throughout Japan this summer. Although the title suggests that this is possibly the final installment in the long-running series, we all know how that story goes. But, I digress.
Hot on the heels of last year’s Ju-on: The Beginning of the End (check out our review here), The Final appears to serve up the same well-worn scares found in previous entries of the franchise. Toshio crawls under bedsheets, Kayako makes that horrible sound in the back of her throat — typical Ju-on stuff. If you’ve grown tired of what the flicks have to offer, then you’re probably already on your way out of this article. The rest of us, however, are still hoping the series will deliver the sort of scares found in the first few films. Some would also say that we’re gluttons for punishment.
Here’s what The Final is all about.
Mai learns that her younger sister, Yui, is missing. Yui works as an elementary school teacher and often visited the home of her student Toshio Saeki. Her student refused to attend school. Mai tries to locate Toshio Saeki for clues about her sister’s disappearance.
Should you find yourself wandering through Japan at some point this summer, slip into a theater and give Ju-on: The Final a look. The film arrives June 20. Alternatively, you can wait until the inevitable Stateside release. The choice, as they say, is yours.