Green Talks Hatchet 2

Yeah, the teaser poster on your right is a bit cheap. Anyone could’ve done it with Photoshop, but it is a legit teaser poster for Hatchet 2 that’s been up on the ArieScope site for about a month now. Some industrious Bloody Disgusting reader discovered it recently so the boys dropped director Adam Green a line for a status update on the sequel.
“Hopefully it gets made this year if we can schedule it in a way that works for me,” he explained. “The only reason a production date has not been agreed upon is because clearly everyone in the Hatchet camp wants to do it at a time when I can be the one to return at the helm, and as you can see from the multitude of projects I am already doing, it’s going to take some very careful planning and scheduling to find a time where I am available to make the film.”
He goes on to say that if it just doesn’t work that he can return to the helm, he is willing to hand over the reins to someone else (*cough* Joe Lynch *cough*) but didn’t name any names.
He did say that both ArieScope and Anchor Bay are working on figuring out the details on Hatchet 2 and will hopefully have something solid on the return of Victor Crowley very soon.
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