Dolph Lundgren Hunts Demons in Mike Mendez’s Don’t Kill It
Your feelings may be different, but as a lifelong Masters of the Universe fan, I consider Dolph Lundgren one of the most badass action stars of them all. Up next he’s hunting demons in Alaska, and our buddy Mike Mendez is at the helm. Read on!
Variety broke the news today, reporting that Mendez (Big Ass Spider) will direct horror-thriller Don’t Kill It from a script by Dan Berk and Robert Olsen of Last Pictures. Production is set to kick off in July.
Lundgren’s demon hunter will team with a reluctant FBI agent to battle an ancient evil unleashed in a small Alaskan town, leaving a trail of death and destruction as it passes from host to host.
Producers are Robert Yocum of Burning Sky Films and Jeff Spilman. Archstone Distribution has acquired worldwide sales rights to the feature and will launch sales at Cannes.