Davis Gives Beware the Moon Update

It’s been a while since we’ve had a status update on Paul Davis’ “>Beware the Moon: Remembering An American Werewolf in London (review). Since it was announced “>back in June by director John Landis that the documentary would be a part of Universal’s upcoming Blu-ray release of the movie, little has come out in terms of details.
So we dropped a line to Beware the Moon mastermind Paul Davis to find out what’s going on with it, and he told us, “It’s still being clean-printed in LA as of now. It looks so much better than the original work print version that was screened. New content courtesy of Rick Baker, too. Expect something around the release of The Wolf Man in November.”
That’s a good sign that Universal is planning on getting the Blu-ray out right around the time their remake of The Wolf Man is howling into theaters. Hopefully we’ll have more details on the forthcoming disc soon so keep your eyeballs pointed at Dread Central!
Congrats to Davis for such a great payoff to all his hard work!
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