Blumhouse’s Creep Finds Exclusive Home at Netflix

Sometimes films totally drop off the radar to the point that we don’t quite know what even happened to them. That’s precisely what went down with Patrick Brice’s Creep (review), which was supposed to see release last October but then completely vanished. Read on for the latest.
Today brings along with it the good news that Netflix has grabbed exclusive distribution rights to the Blumhouse Productions/Radius-TWC film, and they’re set to make it available for instant streaming on July 14th.
The microbudget horror film stars Patrick Brice as a videographer who answers an online ad to film a stranger (Mark Duplass) in a remote mountain town for a personal project that turns sinister.
Last we heard, the plan was to eventually turn Creep into a trilogy.
Aaron is an optimistic videographer who decides to come work for Josef after answering his ad on Craigslist. All Aaron has to do is record Josef throughout the day and remain discreet about the entire setup. Josef tells Aaron that he’ll be recording a series of videos for his unborn son, as he’s suffering from a terminal illness and will never be able to see him grow up.
While Josef seems strange, the money is too good for Aaron to pass up, and he agrees to the task. However, as the day progresses, Josef becomes increasingly strange and Aaron finds it difficult to tell whether or not some of the things Josef is saying or doing are truly jokes or actually a sign of true danger and mental instability.