Watch Corey Feldman and Adam West’s Lost Horror Film for Free

Way back in the year that was 2001, Rick Vasquez wrote, produced, and directed a little horror flick called Seance (aka Killer in the Dark). Despite efforts to get the film into theaters, it vanished into the unsightly world of distribution, where it languished for over 14 years. Now, thanks to the internet, you can watch the aforementioned genre effort for free on YouTube. Such is the world we live in.
What’s notable about Seance is that it features Corey Feldman and Adam West, two actors who aren’t unfamiliar with the world of direct-to-video cinema. And while this particular endeavor probably doesn’t figure very prominently into their respective filmographies, fans are no doubt thrilled that the movie is now available online. Huge thanks to Blastr for the heads up.
For better or for worse, Seance can be viewed below. If you’re interested in the history of the flick or want to toss some cash in the filmmaker’s general direction, swing by the movie’s official website. There’s a possibility that you may find the behind-the-scenes story much more entertaining than the film itself. And be sure to let us know what you think about Seance!