Friday Sequel, Nightmare & FvsJ Updates!

The boys at Bloody Disgusting got to chatting with the Platinum Dunes folks about the future of the “>Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street movies, and basically got a lot of vague information that I’m sure fans will eat up anyway.
Of course they’ve been saying from Day One that another Friday sequel will only happen if the new movie does well, but if it does get made it will be the 13th film in the series, which is obviously significant … not that it will affect how the film plays out; ”It won’t be more epic because it’s the 13th one.” said Brad Fuller, ”It’s important to us to maintain the quality like we have in this one. We want to have great actors, a lot of fun and great scares, that’s what we set out to do.”
Now that Dunes is working on a new Nightmare on Elm Street, what about the chances of the killers having at one another again? ”We haven’t really thought about doing Freddy Vs. Jason,” he explains, “I just don’t have a handle on how we’d do that movie. I don’t know exactly what Freddy [Krueger] is going to be yet, and until I know what Freddy is, I can’t commit until I know who is playing Freddy and how that pans out. But we haven’t thought about that at all. This is the first time I’ve thought about it at all.”
So don’t get your hopes up too soon, kiddies! Finally, Fuller explained that their planned Nightmare on Elm Street reboot is priority #1 for them, ”We’re hopeful to announce a director in the next two or three weeks. Once that happens, we’re going to try and move ahead and start to get that movie going first. I believe that Nightmare is the next movie we’re shooting and we’re hoping to shoot that in April/May in Chicago.”
So there you go, a bunch of “maybes” and “only ifs”, but it’s still better than a kick in the head with a steel-toed boot, right? Right!
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