Netflix: May Horror Roundup

By now, you’ve undoubtedly noticed the inclusion of trending pics like Joy Ride 3, The Canal, Jinn, and Extraterrestrial to Netflix’s streaming lineup. It’s hard to miss them, as they’re plastered all over the main page and have been since arriving on the popular site. But a few other flicks have made their way to Netflix this month that may go noticed by those with a schedule that puts the breaks on leisurely browsing.
Once more, we’re here for you. Check out an assortment of recent additions that are worth your time.
Ghoulies III: If you know the Ghoulies franchise, you know these flicks are designed to provide brainless entertainment. They’re goofy, cheesy, and not a single film in the series boasts a great storyline to follow. That doesn’t change the fact that fans of outlandish B-movies will always love these movies. A cold case of beer, a few buddies, and an improvised drinking game ensure good fun.
[REC] 4: Apocalypse: Full disclosure: I wasn’t crazy about [REC] 4 upon initial viewing. However, a return to the fourth flick in the popular zombie franchise has me singing a different tune. Sure, the familiar found footage angle has been done away with, and yes, the concept (the virus has now been transferred to a ship floating about in no man’s land) feels a bit silly, but the flick still manages to entertain. There’s a reasonable attempt at tying all four features (yes, even the left-field third installment) together. Manuela Velasco returns to reprise her role as Angela Vidal, and the final act is balls-out action. It’s a far cry from the masterpiece that [REC] was, but it’s enjoyable.
Late Phases: One of the best werewolf movies to hit the masses in years, Late Phases is a great character study, first and foremost. These aren’t your typical protagonists and antagonists; the conflict is atypical for the subgenre. Nick Damici is great, Adrián García Bogliano’s style pops and Robert Kurtzman’s creature effects are unique. This is a fine little treasure to unearth.
Hayride 2: Pitchfork probably isn’t going to earn a place amongst welcomed and adored serial killers like Jason Voorhees or Michael Myers, but those with a soft spot in their hearts for low-budget slasher fare are going to find his presence rewarding. Hayride 2 has a slightly different feel than that provided by the first film, but at the core, it’s the same business, and the second installment doesn’t mark any significant spiral in quality for this young series.
Housebound: Housebound sneaks onto Netflix, disappears and returns before we ever realize it had vanished from the database to begin with. Right now it’s live, and if you haven’t caught it yet, you need to. This is an incredible, multi-layered ghost story with quality twists and a few fantastic performances (Morgana O’Reilly rocks!). It also looks damn good and moves at a stellar pace. If you’re looking for a film that breaks the rules but pays off huge, Housebound is a guaranteed safe pick. Catch it now before it disappears temporarily.
Bad Milo: Bad Milo makes for one big nod to over-the-top films of the 1980s, and it’s every bit as thrilling as some similar past works to come before it decades ago. Ken Marino is gold as the unfortunate soul who forces a menacing, toothy monster right from his ass. Yeah, you just read that right, and if you think we need to spend another moment even discussing the film, you don’t have the curiosity to seek out a toilet humor treasure like this, which is worth seeing.
Honeymoon: Honeymoon has been hanging out on Netflix for several weeks now, but it’s been such a low-key release you may have missed it. Don’t. This one has amazing atmosphere, two wicked performances and a spin on the age-old invasion tale that proves exceptionally gratifying. Indeed, one of the best to land in our laps last year, Honeymoon should be owned, but there’s no reason not to test the waters on Netflix first.
Grabbers: Like Honeymoon, Grabbers isn’t a brand-spanking new release on Netflix, but it is an ass-kicking monster movie that pits a tentacled savage against more than a few kegs of beer. Yep, you read that right. We’ll refrain from jumping into too many plot points, but you should know that this is an excellent film with quality comedy, special effects, and performances. The screenplay is genius, and Richard Coyle turns in his finest performance to date. If creature features are your thing, you’re going to adore Grabbers