New Images from They Will Outlive Us All; Out on DVD and VOD Today!

Patrick Shearer’s They Will Outlive Us All arrives on DVD and VOD today, May 19th, from Wild Eye Releasing; and to whet your appetites further for this bug-infested bonanza, here are an image gallery and a few more details.
They Will Outlive Us All stars Nat Cassidy, Jessi Gotta, Alyssa Simon, Gavin Starr Kendall, Stephen Heskett, Christopher Yustin, Marc Landers, Rebecca Comtois, Stephanie Cox-Williams, Pete Boisvert, Desmond Dutcher, and James Comtois.
Dealing with the all-too-common problem of a messy roommate, Daniel and Margot find something far more insidious and disgusting growing in their apartment. They must put their differences aside and fight the bugs before they outlive us all.
Special features on the DVD include:
- Previews
- Original Trailer
- Teasers
New York City has been devastated by a series of “Frankenstorms” – food is scarce, and all the bridges and tunnels are closed. In this post-apocalyptic city, roommates Margot (Gotta) and Daniel (Cassidy) are bracing themselves for not only the next storm but also something much more gruesome and undead – something growing right inside their apartment building. Can they survive each other long enough to stop it?